diego wrote: 
> I tried it, but I did not even get the chance to change the settings.
> With EDO installed, then installing TT3.0, the SBT does not boot anymore
> correctly. It boots a moment until the screen turns white for a short
> second and then turns black and does not react anymore. No possiblity to
> contact it through WinSCP either. Luckily, factory reset via the bottom
> on the back still worked and helped me out. I'm not sure, what I did
> wrong. Maybe things would have to be installed the other way round, TT3
> first, changing settings, EDO after, or so. However, for the time being
> I don't care and I leave only EDO installed, even though I can't use USB
> output or 192k yet, but I hope I will get the chance to test further
> soon.

And, you thoroughly read through the instructions and notes here?: 

If so, you would have read that one of the things that TT 3.0 does is
disable the screen.  Don't know why you couldn't get in through WinSCP
after installation unless you'd already run the tt -k command which
effectively locks you out of the Touch until you do a reboot.  I haven't
seen that it mattered in which order the EDO and TT 3.0 were installed. 

BTW, it's all working perfectly for me, including Triode's "Screen Off"
app.......producing wonderful SQ.

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