rgro wrote: 
> And, you thoroughly read through the instructions and notes here?: 
> http://soundcheck-audio.blogspot.com/2011/11/touch-toolbox-30.html
> If so, you would have read that one of the things that TT 3.0 does is
> disable the screen.  Don't know why you couldn't get in through WinSCP
> after installation unless you'd already run the tt -k command which
> effectively locks you out of the Touch until you do a reboot.  I haven't
> seen that it mattered in which order the EDO and TT 3.0 were installed. 
> BTW, it's all working perfectly for me, including Triode's "Screen Off"
> app.......producing wonderful SQ.
Yea sorry, I should have mentionned... I use TT since version 1 and of
course I am aware of the disabled screen. However, what I meant: It did
not work at all. No access throug WinSCP (and to avoid another question:
Of course i did not disable the deamons, I would not even have got a
chance to send the tt -k - command...). Rebooting was not possible
either (with the usual quick pressing of the little bottom behind it or
by un-powering). Only long pressing with factory reset made it react
again. However, I will try again...

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