On 30 June 2012 19:51, toby10
<toby10.5ez...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> Yes, and there are even more Amazon reviews that say "setup was a
> breeze".  Look at the Amazon review ratings for the Touch, what %
> gives it 4 to 5 stars versus 1 to 3 stars?
It's sitting at 4 stars. That doesn't mean that the negative reviews
are not valid.

> Some of those negative reviews are from people complaining about
> content providers or poor WiFi in their homes, [things] Logitech
> [can't control]
Of course. But if people expect certain use-cases to work / a certain
performance based on how the product is advertised by Logitech and it
doesn't deliver, it's Logitech's problem anyway.

> There was just a recent forum post with a guy asking why his smart
> phone app can't see his LMS server nor player.  Come to find out he
> was connecting his smartphone via his 3G cell service and not his
> WiFi. *shrug*
Welcome to the mass market. Most people don't know what a LAN is.

> Bottom line is a single point we can both agree on, that is the Touch
> is the single best hardware player out there in it's price range.
Yes. Even if one were willing to spend ten times as much there's
nothing like it. That doesn't change the fact that Squeezeboxes are
goint to be extinct soon, if Logitech doesn't refresh the line up and
promote it more. Let's leave it at that.
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