
At 10:25 27/07/2012, you wrote:

lovejoy wrote:
> Will it do 24/192 over USB? My Audiolab will only do up to 24/96 over
> USB as it's a class 1 USB device, but will do 24/192 over coax. The main
> problem at the moment is having anything meaningful to listen to at
> 24/192 - The only recording I currently have at this rate is Fleetwood
> Mac's Tusk - Great album, but comparing the waveform with the standard
> Red Book rip shows it to be pretty much identical. Turns out that Tusk
> was an early digital recording, so there's nothing above 22KHz anyway,
> so whoever's clever decision it was to release this was either being
> deliberately misleading or just didn't know what they were doing. Kind
> of puts you off even bothering with high res content.

Excellent post! I agree that the main drawbacks to 24/192 (and at times
even 24/96) are lack of available and worthwhile recordings, excessively
high prices and the "wtf" factor of trying to make something which is
standard resolution into high resolution by simply  up-converting (which
is exactly what was done with the "Tusk" recording).

Agreed its not just high res formats that we want but high res done correctly.

The "loudness wars" (look on youtube if you are not aware of it) also ruins music.

I got hold of a dvd audio copy of suedes eponymous album and it was heavily
compressed with a lower dynamic range rating than the original CD release (dr9).


Martin N

Running MorphOS v3.1 (July 2012) on a PowerPC Powerbook, Moderator of MiniDisc,amithlonopen,bwfc Yahoogroups

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