dsdreamer wrote: 
> I have the Rega DAC too, BTW. Anything that has SPDIF as its output is
> going to suffer from the main design flaw of SPDIF: namely the need to
> recover the clock from the data. If you could go USB to I2S such that
> the clock is transmitted explicitly and separately from the data, you
> could get benefit from a USB D2D converter; otherwise, if the final link
> to the DAC is SPDIF, I would be very surprised if there was a
> (non-placebo) audible benefit. 
> If you wanted to try this out anyway, just to test a null hypothesis, I
> would go with something like the M2 Tech Hi-Face EVO USB to SPDIF
> Converter.

I don't think that the Touch with EDO can drive the M2 Tech Hi-Face EVO,
so that is mistake number one.

Since the price of the Musical Fidelity V-link 192 has been cut by 50%
in recent on-line offers, I decided to try this out against my better
judgement. I found that there was a clear improvement in sound-staging,
both image specificity and the dimensions of the sound stage was
increased in depth and width. Voices and acoustic instruments sounded
more palpable and present in the room. I was not expecting this to be
the case.

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