ChipMonk wrote: 
> Thanks for the all your comments - I'll look into a re-scan and
> investigate the logs some time soon. I have been slowly tidying up tags
> over the last year or so, but there is probably still some messiness in
> there - my heart isn't really into spending an age on it since it's of
> very limited value to me - other than the possibility that it's
> impacting indirectly on this Music Folder problem
> Again, I must stress that a wonderful, up-to-date tag database is far
> less important to me than being able to navigate Music Folders smoothly
> and without causing LMS hangs. I'd happily do a painful, slow full
> overnight re-scan, say once per quarter, if I could only stop this
> wretched auto-scan on folder navigation.

Just curious. Do you have lots of untagged files? (missing album,
artist, etc. metadata). This might explain the unusually long scan

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