An update for all of you who provided advice to help me with my very
long scan times and, mainly, my slow and clunky music folder navigation.
I have spent a silly amount of time over the last week tidying up my
collection in order to try to solve these issues. I tackled it in 4

1. Studying the scanner log showed that the main error messages were
caused by a significant number of cue files unable to locate the
corresponding full disc flac file. Invariably the problem had been
caused by foreign characters in some of the file/track names getting
mangled (oh the joys of an old classical music collection). I went
through correcting all these errors
2. I found substantial blocks of tracks with little or no tagging data
attached, which had been missed in the past - these tags were updated
3. I finished the ongoing process of converting residual ape and wv
files to flac.
4. I used cue splitter to split up all remaining whole disc flac files
into individual tracks and eliminated cue files.

After each of these four stages I did a complete cache cleanup and
overnight scan on my Tranquil BBS2 Atom WHS 2011 server. I have to
report that, within experimental error, the scan times remained pretty
much the same i.e. about six hours for a full scan, about 2 hours for a
rescan for files changes. In parallel to this, at each stage, I used my
newly updated music library backup on an old, energy profligate, desktop
machine, (Win7 with LMS same version 7.7.2) to do faster scanning checks
for errors etc. In this case, full scan was consistently about 2 hours
re-scan 10 -15 mins throughout.

At the end of all this I certainly have a more orderly collection, the
database of my music should be in much better shape and sql based random
playlists will find long lost tracks. But I’ve seen absolutely no
evidence that it has noticeably improved scan times and Music Folder
navigation (my preferred means of music selection) appears to be as
erratic and clunky as ever. Which is a great pity!

In the middle of all this, I received an email from Logitech customer
services requesting feedback and my opinion about their products and
whether or not I recommended them to friends and colleagues. I took the
opportunity to express, in no uncertain terms, my “disappointment” at
their dropping the Squeezebox line just as the market for quality
streaming products is taking off. I trust that everyone else has done
the same.

Thanks again for everyone's help with this - I am still open to any
suggestions as to how I can improve Music Folder navigation and, if at
all possible, how to stop the automatic scanning which appears to be
triggered when moving through Music Folders.

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