pippin wrote: 
> Again: that was IRBlaster...
> When you enable IRBlaster and hence disable digital volume control you
> could select the volume level. The question is whether this works with
> the Touch.
> And no, I don't think it has anything to do with preamp volume.

That to ? it was VolumeLock plugin i was after :)

This instructions may be somewhat outdated but are mostly correct except
that it very likely that you already have this plugin avaible in the
plugin settings or simply add Peters repo .


Touch uses a 24bit undithered volume control  , and a squeezebox always
uses 24bits internally so 16bit files will simply have 8 zeros their
padded zeros padded to them .
If the volume function where dithered we would just get more random
noise if we lover the volume , now we get more or less classical
quantisation noise as it simply truncates the bits .
This is normally not really audible either as when the volume is low you
dont hear much because the volume is low :)

However if one has very much analog gain in the amps you can push this
into the audible , admittedly i have no idea where in the volume scale
this would be a potential problem ? it probably depends in the rest of
the equipment .

So people here tend make sure that the analog gain in the system is
reasonable , either if their amps or active speakers have settings for
it or by adding in-line attenuators . Then you can use the Squeezebox
internal volume without any sound quality problems .
In my kitchen system i have active speakers and adjusted the volume on
those so that 100% volume on the Touch is as loud as i ever want it but
not louder , now i can use the volume on the Touch in day to day use
within thinking much about it.
And the fidelity of my kitchen speakers are such that it does not matter
much .

People actually do connect the Touch/SB3/Transporter directly to power
amps then gain scaling is important for it to work properly .
And it does work properly I would have no problems doing that in my main
hifi system if i did not use other stuff that would prevent this aproach


Do your own


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