I see quite a lot of talk now about using DSDs with LMS, which I broadly
understand.  I use foobar2000 on linux, which works perfectly and is
still streets ahead of any similar tool - it even forms my backup
strategy should my Touches fail, using UPnP and a tailored controller
menu that can use my extended non-standard FLAC tags.  I can therefore
see it also has a place as part of a solution for using DSDs with LMS.

I don't currently have a DAC than can handle either type of DSD
discussed in recent posts here, but if I was to acquire one, where would
I get DSDs from?  

Ripping SACDs digitally appears to be nigh on impossible unless one has
a specific type of PS3 - is that right?  I have an Oppo DVD/SACD/DVD-A
player (relatively old) that can output SACD over HDMI, but I don't
think that helps much.

I'm just being inquisitive for now, but I might want to pursue this at
some point.  The only discs I currently intend to keep should my CD
collection have to make their way to some other place, are my SACDs.

LMS 7.8 on VortexBox Midi, FLACs 16 or 24 bit, up to 192kbps. Touch on
Ethernet (in another room), digital out to a Musical Fidelity M1 CLiC.
Old wireless laptop running Xubuntu controls server using Chromium. 
Squeezelite on Vortexbox, Ubuntu & Windows desktops plus the laptop. 
Meridian Explorer USB DAC to listen directly to Vortexbox & other PCs as
required.  Spare Touch in loft!
PasTim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41642
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=94512

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