Pale Blue Ego wrote: 
> I did a factory reset and the problem remains.  Reinstalled the firmware
> 7.7.3 and no luck.
> If I try to install an earlier 7.7.2 firmware, which .bin file do I use?
> Is it the baby_7.7.2_r9663.bin?

I believe so. But the firmware will be updated/backdated to match
whichever version of LMS you are running. If you install 7.7.2 LMS, then
the TOUCH will revert to the 7.7.2 firmware.

*Location 1:* VortexBox 4TB (2.2) > LMS 7.8 > Transporter, Touch, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VBA 3TB (2.2) > LMS 7.7.2 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64) > LMS 7.8 > SqueezePlay
*Spares:* VBA 4TB, SB3, Touch (3), Radio (3), CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone4S (iPeng), iPad2 (iPengHD & SqueezePad),
CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Tagging - mp3tag, Spotify
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