paf wrote: 
> A SqueezeBox Radio just next to the Touch works perfectly with the same
> remotes ==> it is definitively a problem in the Touch.
> Yes, IR sensors are usually very reliable, but the failure can be
> anywhere in the chain between the photodiode/transistor and the digital
> signal, so there are some possibilities. And it seems that the IR
> sensors of the SB Touch do fail (see the other messages in this
> thread).
> ==> the only chance I see of solving the problem without schematics is
> if the SB Touch used an integrated IR receiver module (i.e. an IR diode,
> amplifier, filter with digital output all in a package) which I could
> replace. Anybody knows if it is the case?

These are the only pictures I've ever found of the inner life of the
There you'll also find instructions for how to open it up.

I have no Touch, but the IR sensor is probably the little module at
approximately top left on the first and second picture. Perhaps you
could verify this by looking for a suitable hole on the front panel.

I have no idea what the kind/make/model of the module is, though. You'll
probably have to open the Touch up and see for yourself, but obviously
there's no guarantee of finding a comprehensible marking anyway.

Good luck!

Best Regards,

not often enough well recorded and mastered cds *|* dbpoweramp with
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no fancy cables. *+* also some booms. *+* harmony 525s for them all,
including waking the server from s3.
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