...for those wanting to look "under the hood."


Published on 02-05-2017 09:16 PM by Chris Connaker, Founder: Computer

"A PhD isn't required to enjoy MQA. This article is my attempt at
explaining how decoding and rendering work, from a civilian perspective.
Most of us have seen the music origami graphs and deep technical
explanations, but have no idea what any of the information actually
means for us, enjoying music at home or on the go. I want to help
members of the CA community understand how to get the best sound quality
out of MQA. 

"Enjoying MQA music isn't rocket science, but it takes a little
education to make the right choices. Obtaining the best quality MQA
playback requires either a combination of software decoding and hardware
rendering or a full decoding DAC. Fortunately, I believe 90% of MQA's
benefits can be realized by only using a software decoder, called core
decoding. Now that some of our favorite music is available in MQA, it's
time we listen for a while rather than talk over the music. Set your
systems up right and press play."

"Software "core" decoding" would _seem_ feasible addition since the
Squeezebox domain (e.g. Touch, LMS, etc.) allows for modification via
software plugins.

*Source*: TIDAL HiFi, Pandora One > MySqueezebox.com using iPeng 9.2.1
app on iPhone6s/iPad
*Great Room*: SB Touch(1) > AudioQuest TOS > PS    Audio  DL3 DAC >
Audio Envy 10' cables > 200w powered Martin   Logan (ML) Purity
speakers, SB Touch(2) >JVC 110w amp >   ML Motion 4 & AudioEngine 5.
*Garage:* SB Touch(3) > Wyred mINT > Cullen Cables > ML Motion 12
*Carry Anywhere: *TIDAL >iPhone 6s > Bose Mini BT speaker.
*Streaming Media:* https://www.facebook.com/groups/535747176592597/
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