speedycat wrote: 
> Riffer or anyone else, can you confirm that the Singxer SU-1 works
> flawlessly with the SBT? Any need for a special boot sequence, or does
> the SBT see Singxer SU-1 every time it boots?
> Any impressions if Singxer SU-1 would be a significant upgrade to the
> Gustard U12?

Actually, I sold the Singxer and kept the Gustard.  Much better into the
BNC input of my Master 7 IMHO.  I am sure that other users with
different setups might get different results, but the Gustard has now
beaten off the Empirical Audio Off-Ramp 5 , Audio-gd DI-U8, and Singxer
SU-1.  At this point I think I will keep it.  It would be nice if it had
the same pinouts as the Audio-gd for the I2s, but I don't have enough
192k+ music to make that a serious inconvenience.  Maybe some day I will
get around to doing DACLADDER's mods to sort this out.

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