All great information which I think has me nearly all the way there.

OK -

just to underline my ignorance again:

If I understand correctly it is not possible to connect the Pi directly
to the SBT?

I should be able to connect the Pi with an ethernet cable to my router
but the geography of my house is such that the SBT would have to connect
over wi-fi.
The SBT will be close to the wi-fi router and I would expect a strong
and stable signal between them.

Is this likely to impact performance and in particular sound quality?

Finally, I hope! - I have approx. 500 CDs to rip and would like to
optimise the audio quality. I would like the album art to be available
on the SBT and for tracks from a CD to play in the correct order. I
would also like to maximise the search capabilities of the LMS.

So - what file format should I use, what ID tags should I include with
what syntax and how should I set-up the folder structure?

Slightly off-topic - My research has led me to this:

which would appear to be a neat solution to the Pi and SSD setup. Do you
think the fan is necessary? Or do you have any similar suggestions?

And this seems to negate the use of the SBT altogether:

Any thoughts?


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