d6jg wrote: 
> No special settings. Just tell the Touch to connect to the LMS on
> piCorePlayer

OK. I got this thing going. Testing it with just a USB memory stick

All great , so I bought a Kingston SSD drive and adapter to load up my
music collection. Now the trouble starts.

I either need to mount it to the Rpi, which seems to require a lot of
jiggery pokery and possibly a full install of a Pi OS in addition to the
PicorePlayer? (Did I understand that correctly?

Alternatively, and I hope more easily, will be to attach the SSD to my
Router’s USB slot and enter the details in picoreplayer as a ‘Network
Disk Mount’.

Could someone kindly provide a step by step guide to what details to
enter in the 
Setup Network Disk Mount section of the PiCorePlayer please?

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