On Apr 3, 12:34 pm, David Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, I spent all day cleaning up my Mac, rebooting, installing Genshi,
> and then restarting Trac.  Still have the same problem.  I tried
> downloading fisheye and had it working in 5 minutes.  What is the
> problem with Trac???!!!  I do not understand how a project that has
> been around for years can be so impossible to get working, especially
> from source??!!
> I've about had it.  The only thing keeping trying one more time is
> that Trac is open source, although that reason is becoming moot due to
> the problem that It Doesn't Work!
> So, if Anyone out there has some idea of what I can try to get this
> thing working, I would really appreciate it.  The code from Apple DOES
> NOT WORK, the source code DOES NOT BUILD, and the MacPorts stuff DOES
> NOT WORK.  If it's something to do with my system, any hints as to
> where I might look to find the problem would be great.

To be quite blunt, all you have really said at this point about your
problem that was anywhere close to useful was:

  Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (Unsupported
  control system "svn". Check that the Python support libraries for
  "svn" are correctly installed.)

This is in itself isn't particularly helpful unless someone else has
seen the problem or is intimate enough with the code to know what
issues can cause it.

What you haven't done is confirm what you did to setup your subversion
repository and indicated where it was located in your file system. Nor
have you said how you are running Trac nor how you configured it so it
knew where subversion repository was. For all we know, you have just
stuffed up the configuration and are pointing at the wrong location
for where the subversion repository is

You also haven't done anything like provide evidence of which Python
on your system you are running and confirmed that Python svn wrapper
modules can be found when imported by hand in that Python interpreter.
For all we know you still have two versions of Python installed and
you aren't running the correct one. You may also have managed to stuff
up your OS Python installation if you installed MacPorts 2.5.

So, for anyone here to be able to help you, you are going to have to
be much more forthcoming with information about exactly how things are
setup rather than just winging and expecting us to look into our
crystal balls and work out what you have done.

That all said, maybe come back with answers to the following
questions. Don't skip anything with the assumption it isn't relevant.

1. What do you get when you run:

  which python

2. Run that Python interpreter. What do you get when you enter:

  import sys
  print sys.prefix

3. In that interpreter, what do you get if you run:

  import libsvn
  print libsvn.__file__

4. What do you get for output when you run from shell:

  ls /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/

The directory shouldn't exist.

5. What do you get for output when you run from shell:

  ls /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages

This is all just to confirm what Python you are running and whether
your OS Python installation has been mucked up in any ways.

Once that has been done, then can go on to look at what you did to
create Trac instance and configure it etc.

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