Eirik Schwenke wrote:
> I just now tested with the following in my local apache-config:
> ~ <LocationMatch "/[^/]+/login$">
> ~      AuthType Basic
> ~      AuthName "Projects"
> ~      AuthUserFile /home/httpd/trac-env/trac.htpasswd
> ~      Require valid-user
> ~  </LocationMatch>
> And it demanded login-credentials for all /foo/bar/login-urls i threw at it.
> (Note the trailing $ didn't make any difference wrt wether or not the section
> worked, but it's best to be reasonably specific about 
> LocationMatch-directives,
> in case they're included in a complex apache-config).
> I'd double-check my apache-config for typos and see if the apache error.log 
> has
> anything helpful to add -- because as far as I can understand the code you
> posted earlier *should* work.

Let's do some magics...

~  DocumentRoot /home/httpd/projects
~  <Location />
~    SetHandler mod_python
~    PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
~    PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /home/httpd/trac-env
~    PythonOption TracUriRoot /
~    SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /home/httpd/.egg-cache
~    PythonDebug On
~  </Location>
~  <LocationMatch "/[^/]+/login$">
~    AuthType Basic
~    AuthName "Projects"
~    AuthUserFile /home/httpd/trac-env/trac.htpasswd
~    Require valid-user
~  </LocationMatch>

This is the initial configuration : i'm not asked for authentication for 


~  DocumentRoot /home/httpd/projects
*  <Directory /home/httpd/projects/>
~    SetHandler mod_python
~    PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
~    PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /home/httpd/trac-env
~    PythonOption TracUriRoot /
~    SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /home/httpd/.egg-cache
~    PythonDebug On
*  </Directory>
~  <LocationMatch "/[^/]+/login$">
~    AuthType Basic
~    AuthName "Trac Projects Authentication"
~    AuthUserFile /home/httpd/trac-env/trac.htpasswd
~    Require valid-user
~  </LocationMatch>

(changed lines start with *)
And... All is fine !!

It seams that the Apache server deals with the <Location /> directive in 
a particular way. I don't know if it's a bug (just in my version ?), 
though. Maybe there is a real reason for that.

Thanks for your help !


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