Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> But what is in '/home/httpd/projects/'? Letting it fall back on to
> document root like this may itself cause problems if not careful
> depending on whether document root is empty or not.
Like i said in the first post of this thread, the root directory is 
empty. But nothing change with stuff in it (even with a foo/ directory 
or a 'foo/login' file).
> Frankly, how mod_python hooks into Apache is a PITA as it causes
> various little oddities where the true target of a request as
> calculated by Apache, ie.,. SCRIPT_NAME equivalent, ends up being
> wrong. End result is that web applications have learned not to trust
> what mod_python passes it for some values in the request and
> applications work it out themselves from the request URI. This means
> though that the applications have to be told where the application is
> mounted if not mounted at root.
> In contrast, mod_wsgi hooks into Apache in a more traditional resource
> based approach like CGI configuration is done. This means SCRIPT_NAME
> is correct and you don't end up with these funny little problems like
> you are having when using Location directive to try and configure
> mod_python.
> In other words, you might consider looking at mod_wsgi instead of
> mod_python as it doesn't generally exhibit these odd little issues
> that mod_python sometimes can. :-)
I didn't know about mod_wsgi. I will take a look at it and compare 
performances with mod_python. Thanks.
Anyway, the problem seems not to be directly linked with mod_python, 
since i had a similar problem with mod_dav_svn and a <Location /> 
directive that i just resolved the same way.
> Graham

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