well, out of the box, trac does have a usage workflow.  new->assigned-
if you are after something a little more "common" try the enterprise
workflow in the contrib directory.

that said, it sounds like your group is perfectly happy being stuck
with something that is not customizable (or easily customized).  in
that case, you might consider something else, but with the caveat that
nobody gets to ask for customizations (maybe aside from themes/skins)

Trac is a bit of labor to get it tweaked to exactly what fits your
organization.  The flip side, is, well, it's worth it because you CAN

if you're agile, you could look at agilo.  there is a release
candidate that runs on 0.11 and looks very complete.  Even this still
allows a ALOT of customization, which I find a good thing, but out of
the box, it's good to go.

in order to do your date searching you mentioned, you will need to
write sql.  there are some examples around on how to get this, so you
really only need to find it and cut and paste into a query. (sorry I
don't have a link atm, but I found one a while back that finds when a
ticket TRANSITIONED to closed, which was perfect)

however, another option is to add the DateTime plugin, and add a
custom field to tickets which people are required to fill in with the
current date when they close a ticket.  Or you use more milestones,
and assign ticket to the milestone for the last to weeks.  if it's
closed, and milestone matches...etc.  this would be more towards the
"sprint" model of scrum.

I will go back to say, I bet even with an out of the box solution,
your group will want SOME sort of customization, which might be
difficult if not impossible with other systems. (such as custom
workflows, particularly to the level Trac has them.)  The subversion
hooks are really nice as well.  the ability to update a ticket when
you check in a file, just via the comments, adds to productivity and
traceability. This again, is something you need to enable/configure,
since trac doesn't force you to even use source control at all.  Still
sounds like the best route for you personally might be somehting else
that is out of the box, and inflexible.  and then they are just stuck
with it.
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