On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:45 AM, Robert C Corsaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
>> Chad Emahizer wrote:
>>> I think I might be restating a bit here from what others have already said,
>>> but Trac does (or can do) what you want it to do.  It is flexible and
>>> doesn't force its own "business logic" on its users.  It basically has to be
>>> like that, or it will be targeting only a small portion of the population
>>> regardless of whichever specific implementation it would choose to
>>> implement.
>>> A problem with that approach is that not only do you have to learn a new
>>> tool, but you also have to understand the processes your company has in
>>> place and then determine ways to configure/utilize Trac to fit in with those
>>> processes.
>> ...
>>> So, maybe the question shouldn't be "How is Trac supposed to be used?".
>>> Maybe it should be "What are the processes for my company, and how can I
>>> tailor Trac to enforce those processes and make them easier to do?"
>> There are 2 kinds of users: those who want to tweak software to do what
>> they want, and those who're happy to click on a button and let the
>> software take them to wherever Bill Jobs (aka Steve Gates) thinks they
>> want to go. Those in the second category should probably not use trac,
>> linux, or any "programming languages" other than flash.

In fairness to Bill Gates, I've found most Microsoft software much
more willing to be told to behave the way I want it to behave than
Apple software.  That's not to say that the MS stuff doesn't have its
own set of usability problems--it's usually clunkier and more bloated.
 I just usually feel far more boxed in when I'm using Apple software.
But that's an off-topic discussion so I'll leave it at that.

Now Trac, on the other hand, gives me a great deal of freedom.  And of
course as with any open source software (especially with a less
restrictive license) we are free to modify it if there's something
specific we need to change about it.  And the fact that Trac imposes
very little process to begin with, and is very modular, it's a lot
easier to modify without stepping on any toes.

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