
this is trac.ini, I delete some code from ticket_custom because it's so 

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

account_changes_notify_addresses = 
authentication_url = 
email_attr = mail
force_passwd_change = False
hash_method = HtDigestHashMethod
htdigest_realm = 
htpasswd_hash_type = crypt
name_attr = displayName
password_file = C:\Bitnami\trac-1.0.1-3\apps\trac\users\htpasswd
password_format = htpasswd
password_store = HtPasswdStore
persistent_sessions = False
refresh_passwd = False
user_lock_max_time = 0
verify_email = False

max_size = 2000000
max_zip_size = 2000000
render_unsafe_content = false

gray_disabled = #3d3d42
nature_action_it.disable = true
nature_action_metier.disable = true
realisation_it.disable = true
realisation_metier.disable = true
ticket_besoin_initial.disable = true
tweaks = nature_action_it, nature_action_metier, realisation_metier, 
realisation_it, ticket_besoin_initial

color_scale = True
downloadable_paths = /trunk, /branches/*, /tags/*
hide_properties = svk:merge
intermediate_color = 
intermediate_point = 
newest_color = (255, 136, 136)
oldest_color = (136, 136, 255)
oneliner_properties = trac:summary
render_unsafe_content = false
wiki_properties = trac:description

max_diff_bytes = 10000000
max_diff_files = 0
wiki_format_messages = true

acct_mgr.admin.accountmanageradminpages = enabled
acct_mgr.api.accountmanager = enabled
acct_mgr.db.sessionstore = enabled
acct_mgr.guard.accountguard = enabled
acct_mgr.htfile.htdigeststore = enabled
acct_mgr.htfile.htpasswdstore = enabled
acct_mgr.http.httpauthstore = enabled
acct_mgr.notification.accountchangelistener = enabled
acct_mgr.notification.accountchangenotificationadminpage = enabled
acct_mgr.pwhash.htdigesthashmethod = enabled
acct_mgr.pwhash.htpasswdhashmethod = enabled
acct_mgr.svnserve.svnservepasswordstore = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.accountmodule = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.emailverificationmodule = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.loginmodule = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.registrationmodule = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.resetpwstore = enabled
blackmagic.blackmagic.blackmagictickettweaks = enabled
customfieldadmin.admin.customfieldadminpage = enabled
customfieldadmin.api.customfields = enabled
datefield.filter.customfieldadmintweak = enabled
datefield.filter.datefieldmodule = enabled
dynfields.* = enabled
talm_importer.importer.importmodule = enabled
ticketcharts.ticketcharts.ticketchartmacro = enabled
tracadvparseargs.macro.parseargstestmacro = enabled
tracbb.tracbb.buildbotplugin = disabled
tracopt.perm.config_perm_provider.extrapermissionsprovider = enabled
tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.svn_fs.subversionconnector = enabled
tracsubtickets.api.subticketssystem = enabled
tracsubtickets.web_ui.subticketsmodule = enabled
tracticketconditionalvalidatefield.api.ticketsvalidator = enabled

alt = (please configure the [header_logo] section in trac.ini)
height = -1
link = 
src = 
width = -1

htdocs_dir = 
plugins_dir = 
templates_dir = 

log_file = trac.log
log_level = DEBUG
log_type = file

stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider

max_preview_size = 262144
mime_map = text/x-dylan:dylan, text/x-idl:ice, text/x-ada:ads:adb
mime_map_patterns = text/plain:README|INSTALL|COPYING.*
tab_width = 8
treat_as_binary = application/octet-stream, application/pdf, 
application/postscript, application/msword,application/rtf,

admit_domains = 
always_notify_owner = false
always_notify_reporter = false
always_notify_updater = true
ambiguous_char_width = single
batch_subject_template = $prefix Batch modify: $tickets_descr
email_sender = SmtpEmailSender
ignore_domains = 
mime_encoding = none
sendmail_path = sendmail
smtp_always_bcc = 
smtp_always_cc = 
smtp_default_domain = 
smtp_enabled = false
smtp_from = trac@localhost
smtp_from_author = false
smtp_from_name = 
smtp_password = 
smtp_port = 25
smtp_replyto = trac@localhost
smtp_server = localhost
smtp_subject_prefix = __default__
smtp_user = 
ticket_subject_template = $prefix #$ticket.id: $summary
use_public_cc = False
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = false

admin = 
admin_trac_url = .
descr = My example project
footer = 
icon = site/trac.ico
name = trac_project
url = http://localhost/trac_project

default_anonymous_query = status!=closed&cc~=$USER
default_query = status!=closed&owner=$USER
items_per_page = 100
ticketlink_query = ?status=!closed

items_per_page = 100
items_per_page_rss = 0

default_log_limit = 100
graph_colors = ['#cc0', '#0c0', '#0cc', '#00c', '#c0c', '#c00']

stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider

min_query_length = 3

default_cc = 
default_component = A DEFINIR
default_description = 
default_keywords = 
default_milestone = A DEFINIR
default_owner = 
default_priority = A DEFINIR
default_resolution = fixed
default_severity = A DEFINIR
default_summary = 
default_type = defect
default_version = A DEFINIR
max_comment_size = 262144
max_description_size = 262144
preserve_newlines = default
restrict_owner = true
workflow = ConfigurableTicketWorkflow

height = 500
width = 800

action = select
action.label = Action
action.options = ....................
date_application = text
date_application.format = plain
date_application.label = Date Application 
date_application.order = 18
date_application.value = 

accept = new,assigned,accepted,reopened -> accepted
accept.operations = set_owner_to_self
accept.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
leave = * -> *
leave.default = 1
leave.operations = leave_status
reassign = new,assigned,accepted,reopened -> assigned
reassign.operations = set_owner
reassign.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
reopen = closed -> reopened
reopen.operations = del_resolution
reopen.permissions = TICKET_CREATE

abbreviated_messages = True
changeset_collapse_events = false
changeset_long_messages = false
changeset_show_files = 0
default_daysback = 3
newticket_formatter = oneliner
ticket_show_details = true

auth_cookie_lifetime = 0
auth_cookie_path = 
authz_file = 
authz_module_name = 
auto_preview_timeout = 2.0
auto_reload = False
backup_dir = db
base_url = 
check_auth_ip = false
database = mysql://root:root@localhost/trac
debug_sql = False
default_charset = utf-8
default_date_format = 
default_dateinfo_format = relative
default_handler = WikiModule
default_language = 
default_timezone = 
genshi_cache_size = 128
htdocs_location = 
ignore_auth_case = true
jquery_location = 
jquery_ui_location = 
jquery_ui_theme_location = 
mainnav = wiki, timeline, roadmap, browser, tickets, newticket, search
metanav = login, logout, prefs, help, about
mysqldump_path = mysqldump
never_obfuscate_mailto = false
permission_policies = DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy
permission_store = DefaultPermissionStore
pg_dump_path = pg_dump
repository_dir = 
repository_sync_per_request = (default)
repository_type = svn
resizable_textareas = true
secure_cookies = False
show_email_addresses = false
show_ip_addresses = false
timeout = 20
use_base_url_for_redirect = False
use_xsendfile = false

allowed_repository_dir_prefixes = 

ignore_missing_pages = false
max_size = 262144
render_unsafe_content = false
safe_schemes = cvs, file, ftp, git, irc, http, https, news, sftp, smb, ssh, 
svn, svn+ssh
split_page_names = false

Le vendredi 13 septembre 2019 23:54:35 UTC+2, Anna a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm using trac 1.0.1, and recently it became very slow, insupportable, to 
> display a ticket it takes about five minutes.
> How can I fix this problem? Is there special configuration in apache or 
> mysql database?
> I'm thinking to upgrade to newest version, what version should I choose? 
> Is there some recommandations in python version, wsgi, easy-install...?? 
> Please I need your help. 

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