On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 4:44 AM Andreas <muffelm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Ryan,
> thanks for your hint!
> I have activated AuthzPolicy on our Trac 1.2.2 environment and the
> following part is working as it should:
> [wiki:testwiki@*]
> testuser = WIKI_VIEW
> --> testuser can only see the "testwiki" page, nothing else
> I was wondering if the realm (?) for milestone would be "milestone", but
> it failed:
> [milestone:testmilestone@*]
> The testuser can still only see that one testwiki page, but cannot
> view/edit tickets with milestone "testmilestone".
> I'm pretty sure that the syntax / realm for milestone is wrong. Can you
> help me out here?
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Andreas

Using realm 'milestone' will restrict access to a resource in the milestone
realm (/milestone).

The ticket page is realm 'ticket'.

To restrict tickets based on permission to view a milestone, you'll need to
implement a permission policy. First, restrict access to the milestone
using AuthzPolicy, and verify that you can view the milestone. For your
example, this will be /milestone/testmilestone, and testmilestone should be
visible on the Roadmap page.

Then you need to implement IPermissionPolicy in a component, like the
examples described here:

The logic in check_permission would be something like (untested):

    def check_permission(self, action, username, resource, perm):
        if action == 'TICKET_VIEW' and \
                resource is not None and \
                resource.realm == 'ticket' and \
                resource.id is not None:
                ticket = Ticket(self.env, resource.id)
            except ResourceNotFound:
               if 'MILESTONE_VIEW' in req.perm('milestone',
                   return True

- Ryan

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