Finjon Kiang wrote:
> And maybe the following links could interest someone, too. ;)
> And somebody in Taiwan had started to develope a similar one based on
> Symfony framework ( a famous PHP framework )
> Source:
> Working demo:
> The system could only serve in Chinese now. I've asked them why not
> using Pootle, they replied it's hard to maintain and not user
> friendly.
> Just pass the information I knew. ;)

* hard to maintain. aye, somewhat.
* user unfriendly. aye. outside the translation screen its really bad.

I'm sticking for now because the glimpses of 1.3 make me thing it will 
be better on both fronts. I'm reserving most of my bitch list until I 
can play with 1.3 in production here and come up with useful detailed 
nags that are still relevant after all your upgrade work.

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