
I just tried another time by extracting the Pootle-2.0.3.tar.bz2 file 
and I got the same error. Could it be because the pootle.db has a size 
of 0 bytes in this archive ?

I use Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS server, Apache/2.2.8, Pootle 2.0.3, Translate 
Toolkit 1.6.0, Django 1.1.1 and mod_python with Python 2.5.2
here my apache configuration that was working well with Pootle 2.0.2.

         Alias /translate /var/www/Pootle
<Location "/translate">
                   SetHandler python-program
                   PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
                   SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE pootle.settings
                   PythonOption django.root /translate
                   PythonPath "['/var/www/Pootle', 
'/var/www/Pootle/local_apps', '/var/www/Pootle/external_apps'] + sys.path"
                   PythonInterpreter pootle
                   PythonDebug On


Le 04/03/2010 11:11, Alaa Abd El Fattah a écrit :
> ./manage.py syncdb
> ./manage.py initdb
> ./manage.py refresh_stats

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