On Fri, 05 Mar 2010 14:00:52 +0800
Bernard Chan <bern...@goanimate.com> wrote:

> Dear Pootle Development Team,
> Congratulations and the improvements sound attractive! Our current 
> Pootle is installed as an SVN checkout copy so is there a 
> branch/tag/revision etc. available that allows me to update/switch to 
> from /tags/Pootle-2.0.0/Pootle

I just tagged it now

note that this tag only invcludes Pootle, Translate Toolkit has a
different release cycle and should be grabbed from 

now our tagging and branching is extremely confusing you'll find some
branches include all projects and some don't. go by the branch/tag name
if it says Pootle then only take the Pootle directory, if it says
Virtaal only take the Virtaal directory and if it says
translate-toolkit only take the translate directory.

we will clean up this mess one day.

you can also follow the stable branch of Pootle
only well tested bug fixes are committed there so it is safe to follow.


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