В 21:09 +0100 на 03.11.2011 (чт), nathanchappotin[@nospam] написа:

>  I really like the script,


> Could you make it play webm video when available? Most YouTube videos have  
> webm copies available, and I  know this because o

Yes, that is true, most YouTube videos are being converted to WebM. When
I was implementing the quality config option I've investigated something
similar to what you want, but decided it was too complicated and
confusing. With the current implementation, WebM could be (kind of)
selected if you set the value of "quality" to, let's say above 50% or
high. So far, WebM links were always in the top of the list - highest
quality. This of course is not the best solution. 

Implementing preferred video format as separate option or as improvement
to the quality option, might create confusion. For example, extracted
links are: three flv, two mpg and one WebM, quality is set to medium and
preferred format to WebM. What should be selected automatically, if
medium (size and resolution) links are one flv and one mpg? Another way
is quality to select links in the preferred format. If such format is
missing, a fallback to one of the available formats. Of course such
implementation will support flv and mpg as preferred formats. I'd be
happy to hear other users comments on such option. Anybody else
interested? I'd like to hear about the preferred behaviour (as described
above, or yet another way) for format vs quality options. 

[1] https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/index.php?11085#comment0

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