"Hm, even with caching and 320x240? Until relative recently my main
computer was 8 years old with Duron CPU at 800Mhz. Worked almost
perfectly for a lot of things. Well, 720p was not an option. Depends
what you consider old and slow."

I don't know how you do caching, I'm afraid. What I call old is a PII 400MHZ or a Celeron 1000MHZ running Slitaz and unable to display more than the first frame of a small video on youtube such as this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGMHSbcd_qI#

But maybe I should have tried with Midori rather than Firefox.

Duron 800MHZ can do a lot more with a new video card and 512Mo Ram. We have one like that. Great computer. I added a more powerful Athlon.

Have to rush now

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