В 20:58 +0100 на 02.11.2011 (ср), infol[@nospam] написа:

> The video is named videoplayback by default, without any extension and I was  
> able to open it using Totem. Impressive.

All clips that Linterna Mágica is able to play could be saved. The only
exception are the RTSP links in livestream dot com, because the browser
can't handle the scheme. 

> What's the format, though? WebM?

Depends. In YouTube it will be the format that is currently selected in
the HD links list. With default configuration the lowest quality clip is
selected which usually is FLV. Check the HD list for the selected link
and you will see the video format. Another option is to use the file
command in a terminal:

$ file some_unknown_file

$ file /tmp/videoplayback

> Congratulations on this fabulous script!


> A little later: choosing the highest quality — 845x WebM-vorbis — and  
> then clicking on the "save" button opens an html5 page in Firefox and I can  
> see the video.

The interface/buttons are not documented because I think they speak for
themselves, but what you discovered might be unknown. When a HD link is
selected, the "save" button link is changed and it refers to the
selected link. Opening this within the browser, renders the plugin that
handles the file type.

> Magical, isn't it?

Yep, little elves, gnome and imps do the work underneath the
interface. ;)

> Right click on the video and you can download it, naming it as you like —  
> no extension required.

Yes, that was the purpose of the "save" button from the beginning.

> I'll wait till ivaylo makes fun of me being so dumb, 

I see no reason to do so. Everyone makes mistakes.

> and close the bug report  

I'll investigate the issue before that. It is unclear why the player
does not load and that is not normal behaviour.

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