t3g, unlike some people here I actually agree with some of your points. I saw a few of Stallman's lectures and thought they were very good, but I never quite understood how one was supposed to earn a living developing free software.

Selling support is an option, but many companies don't want a support contract and would prefer to simply use the product without support (see e.g. CentOS). Most people also don't donate money to software they use, so earning a living by relying on donations is risky.

GNU/Linux could make money if an OEM pre-installs a distribution and pays the devlopers of the software money. Unfortunately, none of the OEMs have committed to GNU/Linux and GNU/Linux deserves at least part of the blame with the mess the desktop environments are in at the moment. One of the companies developing a GNU/Linux distro could become an OEM and build their own computers, but that requires a huge investment which might not pay off.

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