Ruben didn't include Unity with the 5.5 ISO and when we tried to install it manually, it would not show up in LightDM or GDM selections. Kinda odd and when someone of us asked for a fix, there were crickets.

I do know what you mean though by including both Unity 2D and Unity 3D with the install and if 3D works fine with free drivers, then cool. If not, the user can always change to 2D. We shouldn't be denied choice.

I've tested having both Gnome Fallback and Unity 2D/3D on the standard Ubuntu 12.04 install and it works fine. Since Gnome Fallback's look is independent from Unity, there should be no problem having both. Especially with the 12.04 codebase being improved over the 11.10 codebase.

Come on Ruben... at least give it a shot.

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