On 07/16/2012 10:26 AM, hos...@gmail.com wrote:
Repeated jabs at rms about his views on disgusting unnatural s*x acts compelled me to go searching out on the internet. I am absolutely shocked to find that the rumors are indeed true. Earlier, i thought they were just rumors spread by propriety software companies.

.[http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman#On_sex wikiqoute], .[http://stallman.org/archives/2003-may-aug.html rhinophytonec..], .[http://stallman.org/articles/extreme.html extreme], .[http://www.stallman.org/archives/2006-may-aug.html#05%20June%202006%20%28Dutch%20paedophiles%20form%20political%20party%29 Dutch]

This is so bad, cant imagine how much badly this is going to effect FSF's image. I still just cant believe it that RMS has these sick ideas.

LibSF is defintely not the answer to any issues here. LibSF = Freeware(copy,distribute;But, no modifications), nothing new about it. Giving it a spiritual touch is okay, but LibSF is preaching only Christianity.

LifSF is continuing the work of the FSF and GNU. We use a copyleft protected licensing scheme, not freeware, not public domain. We are built around the central axioms of free software in the traditional copyleft plus four fundamental freedoms / rights sense. We are just doing it away from Stallman.

Emblem(signature image) used is associated with [http://vloeberghs.com/SheperdoftheHills.html Churches]; Describing LibSF as 'God fearing alternative' and then mentioning Jesus in footer; all seems kinda like you are imposing Christianity.

Christianity *IS* at the heart of why LibSF exists. We recognize that everything we have, everything we are, everything we can be, that all of it is a gift which comes from God, and that the rock upon which we must build everything is Jesus Christ.

Free software, the idea of giving that which you possess unto others, that they might take your work and receive it, and possibly improve upon it, making the end result better than you individually were capable of doing alone, is the very central idea of what Jesus Christ. When He came here, He gave everything. Very few received Him, but it was offered to all, and it was completely free.

It is my best attempt at devoting my talents and life to Jesus Christ. I am probably making every mistake possible as I am pioneering this effort (to my knowledge at least) ... but I pray I will get it right in time.

LibSF is DOA.

The image may be from them. It will be replaced at some point soon. It was one I found online and edited.

LibSF has no affiliation with a particular church building. We are Christians across the globe working together for Jesus Christ.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

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