On 07/16/2012 01:22 PM, hos...@gmail.com wrote:
"Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed." [http://libsf.org/licenses/libsf-gpl-v1.txt LibSF GPL]

oops my mistake, I wrongly read above lines as being the summary of the license, instead it is regarding permission of the license document itself. sorry about that,

 > Christianity *IS* at the heart of why LibSF exists.
 > We recognize that everything we have, everything
 > we are, everything we can be, that all of
 > it is a gift which comes from God, and that the
 > rock upon which we must build everything is Jesus Christ.

 > Free software, the idea of giving that which
 > you possess unto others, that they might take
 > your work and receive it, and possibly improve upon
 > it, making the end result better than you individually
 > were capable of doing alone, is the very central idea
 > of what Jesus Christ. When He came here, He gave
 > everything. Very few received Him, but it was
 > offered to all, and it was completely free.

Intelligent attempt to co·erce Free Software users into Christianity.

Coercion doesn't seem applicable here. LibSF exists as it exists. Nobody has to join. Nobody has to do anything with it. I pray that some people will.

From the website & you ideas, its pretty clear your *main* intention is not to exclude RMS from Free Software, but a rather sinister one. You want to misguide Free Software users into thinking that by believing in Free software, they are actually believing in Christianity and hence they are Christian in that sense.

I believe that free software, the idea of giving the fruits of your labor and work, unto others is exactly from one source: God. It's exactly the economy of Heaven as we read it in the Bible. God's economy is this: The more you give, the more you have to give. But here on this earth in this flesh-based world, it's not like that. The more you give, the less you have.

It requires a spiritual way to look at things, to understand it, not just through worldly eyes, but as part of the spiritual, part of the "being born again of the spirit" aspect of a Christian's walk.

World needs to liberate itself from brainwashed ideas about God. God is God. There is no need to put a tag on God like a face or statue or cross or monument.
God does not want you to misguide people.

God lives in us. He does not live in buildings made by men. He's inside of us. We are His temple.

Being born again is a real thing. I've tried to describe it to people ... the closest example I have is being a parent. Before your child was born, you existed however you existed, and your view of yourself was whatever it was. This is true for all of us. But after the child comes, there's this new aspect of our existence added on to us. We are now more than we were before. It's real, tangible, impossible to describe, yet for people who have become parents ... no explanation is needed, for they have felt it too.

For Christianity it's the same way. When we are born again, it's an entire new rebirth. Our mind is changed, or thoughts are changed, or viewpoints are changed, everything about what we thought we knew changes. The old ways give way to the new ways. Though, being still in this world surrounded by everything, we do still stumble, fall, even deeply. But, we get back up and our new heart is always still working in us and we again work for Christ.

Being technically redundant to GNU public license, it does not have much chance to establish itself.

It may be a total failure. But for the projects I will work on, they will use LibSF GPLv1, because I believe in the philosophy of the GPLv3 completely, I just can't support who it's by. When people look at the LibSF GPLv1, they need look no further. It has come from us.

However, You can promote it in churches to co-erce Christians into using Free Software.

There's no coercion in Christianity. The Lord knocks on everybody's heart. Those people who hear Him answer, and He comes and lives with them. It's that simple.

With our software, nobody will have to use it. But if they want to ... here it is.

Other than that its pretty devilish, as non-christians who cannot look through your gimmick might turn away from Free Software thinking it will make them convert to Christanity.

Nobody can become a Christian unless they are open to it, to hearing the truth about God, to accepting that His Son, Jesus Christ, is God's only begotten Son, born of a virgin. It is not possible to force someone to be a Christian. It HAS to come from the inside.

If it doesn't come from the inside, it can't ever come.

What is there in LibSF is being offered. You, and everyone else, are free NOT to use it. You're not going to hurt our feelings. We're not going to be angry. We will continue on for those who will want to use it. And we'll also continue praying that other people's hearts will be opened, that they too may come to know that which we know.

God is not dead ... He lives in us. You can see Him by our actions. We offer what we offer in love, expecting nothing in return. But if you or anybody else wants to help, we are grateful to God for that as well.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

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