Stallman opens up his big mouth again calling Valve games on Linux unethical. Just when most Linux users are getting excited about the OS again, here he comes to try to derail it. We all know his viewpoints on proprietary software (including games) but he is going after the big news sites with this one.

Right now, there seems to be some hype and interest from not only Valve, but other developers like Blizzard who are strongly considering Linux. They are considering because they believe that Windows 8 will not only piss off the average consumer, but the Windows 8 App Store may close off developers from releasing independent software of their app store.

So with computing moving away from the traditional PC toward smartphones and tablets and with those still hanging on to their desktop PC now being locked into Apple and Microsoft app stores, it is a slap in the face that there are people out there like Stallman who are vindictive in trying to keep Linux a running joke.

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