For the past 6 months, I had been using Mint 12 on this computer without GPU hangs. (In my previous message, I said the GNU/Linux distro I used previously was derived from Ubuntu 11.04 "natty". I was wrong. Mint 12 is derived from Ubuntu 11.10 "oneiric".)

I have noticed a pattern tonight. This issue seems to happen as I'm typing something! It just happened again while I was typing this response. Before I started typing this, I watched the HD ogg version of Louis CK's comedy special. It played smoothly.

Shortly after I watched the video, I logged in here to check for responses, and started typing this response.

In the middle of typing this message, the screen became unresponsive, blinked off, and then came back on again. I continued typing as this happened. When the screen came back on, the stuff that I had continued typing did not go through. I can test this again after I reboot.

I'll gladly take any further advice you can offer me. Thanks for helping, guys!

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