El 07/05/13 10:51, ja...@bluehome.net escribió:
> >  I don`t care. In my country no such thing as "software patent".
> This seems like a rather shortsighted view of things. Most people
> don't live in a vacuum and things that are published online are
> usually available to everyone all over the world. Therefore, someone's
> decision of what format to use therefore impact others, as those other
> people won't be able to access the material without running into
> problems.
> I think it would be best if we, the free software community, could
> stand united on this topic and reject problematic things like
> patent-encumbered audio and video codecs regardless of the geographic
> region that we personally live in.

I agree on this. We should help those that help us best an more evn so
if they help our freedom.

Would make a new thread or wiki page with strategies to make it easy for
the layman use? The idea is to make it default and easy to use. What do
you think?

Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en conjunto con el resto de socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE
Av de la Prensa N58-219 y Cristóbal Vaca de Castro
Quito, Ecuador
(02)-600 8579
IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=asle&uio=OT10cnVlJjEwPXRydWU3a

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