"I think it was a court ruling that decided that software ideas can be patented." Maybe. But even in this case, it was approved by the Society. Who gave judges power to make this decision? The Society. And if judges really will go against interest of the Society, they would be fired. Or even worse, there will be the revolution, bloody and ruthless.

"any programmer who is rational is against it"
Maybe. But how about businessmen and lawers? They may not agree with you.

"You think it`s limited to the U.S.?"
Of course not!

"not disrupt our efforts to fix the problem"
But why you don`t deleted browsers that support patented formats, like Uzbl, xxxterm, etc?

"If that doesn`t work, use another free browser that does support MP3"
Yes, I just do it with xxxterm. Anyway, I just wanted to listen Yandex Music.

"and still more countries have pressure on them to have software patents".
First you have to prove, that there is more beneficial alternatives of software patents for a society.
Maybe it is bad only from the point of view of programmers and geeks?

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