I has Sen a email to the moderator of Iron.
"ello good Day I'm a User from Iron Browser, i used in linux and Windows becouse a like to protect my privacy and i'm not a fan from Google Chrome who's eating to Chromium, wherever.

My reason to been writing this message is becouse exist a Linux distribution called "Trisquel" it's full free software
Im proposing to include Iron Browser as a default Browser in Trisquel, so i has been opening a forum trying to discuss this.

Before to Continue Trisquel is Based in Ubuntu so it can be used .deb packages, I return to what I was saying, the persons in the forum are telling that Iron is not complete free software becouse of somenthing of a license of BSD.

I don't like what Google Chrome it's doing not respecting your privacy, so i propose to this alternative to include Iron in Trisquel and put relations, What your guys think?, can we make Iron all free software? i expect a answer."

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