I was a Linux fanboy from 2001, When the first system was RH 6.2 and later on Suse and Slackware. It wasn't until 2007 or so, when i really got into Debian, which separated main, contrib, nonfree. I remember reading it from somewhere why this is, and ignored it for the start.

I then read about DeLi Linux, which wasn't fully free then. The name changed eventually to ConnochaetOS, and freedom was set as an aim. This sucked me in, while I was learning more and more about the free software foundation.

I escaped Facebook, rejected or dropped out from those Microsoft Courses in my University that I could, and chose networking or programming over it.

Then, I went to gNewSense and used it quite a while, until I now bounce between ConnOS and Trisquel. I started contributing to ConnOS and moved all my computers to Trisquel / ConnOS.

I do my thesis notes on emacs. There's no system like GNU, and HURD is one of it's kernels.

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