There is no need to be close to him. Just send an email. Summarize the problem you think exists and point him to whatever limited information exists publicly on the issue.

Don't be afraid to email him. He is human. He will speak his mind and you don't have to agree with him. But don't waste his time arguing if you don't agree. Just let it be and try and see it from his perspective if you can.

That is as someone who is promoting privacy, freedom, etc. That is the perspective he is coming from and you communications with him will be presumed to be of that topic. Nothing else. People tend to end up getting into other hotbed issues and miss the points he is making. Feeding starving children in Africa is a worthwhile goal, and he wouldn't say you shouldn't do that, or that free software is even a bigger issue, but that doesn't change the fact non-free software is unethical. Just as an example.

* The guys on the Linux Action show come to mind. But there are tons of people out there who do the same thing.

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