How do you know it wasn't a acceptable practice? How do you know that females
were respected? Just because he humbled her? Guess what, a few verses forward
and backwards the man is called ba'al of the woman (master of the woman).
In isaiah 19 the egyptians (in the future) are said to be like women,
cowering before God's uplifted hand. (Women are beaten when disobedient, it
can be inferred, in the culture of the old)
It was an acceptable practice for the man to KEEP the young girl he raped.
(In the hebrew it is clear it is talking about a young girl).
I brought that up because it showed that even in the case of a pedophile
raping a young girl, he isn't killed, isn't banished, isn't imprisoned. He
keeps her as his woman.
If it's a pretty, sweet, young little girl this is barely a punishment and
more of a blessing from God that he once convinced a people to follow such a
law. Young girls can be really nice. In this situation the man is choosing
his mate.
Anyway, God also didn't say "oh good job David for killing that pedo uriah
who took in bathsheba when she was a little lamb and kept her in his bed".
No, he cursed David. Men with female children was acceptable, men were
MASTERS (ba'al) of women it must also be noted. It would be nice if we too
could take in orphan girls like Uriah did and keep them as wives. Ofcourse
all things that naturally bring pleasure to males are banned by the
The christian belief system is totally different and was created, it seems,
to wash away the older belief system. Ofcourse. But I don't follow the
western christian belief system.
In the end, the rapist male of the young girl gets a young girl. More than
even the best man of the USA gets. Other men took in orphan little girls and
kept them as their own little woman. Others purchased the daughters of men,
this was all accepted. The evil shitty religion of the USA and the rest of
the christian west bans and denys all of this and says the old people got it
wrong. It is a woman's playground, and destroys physically any culture that
is not.