Indeed, in no way in conformity with the religion of the west.

Pedophilia - the greatest sin in the west.
Misogyny - a lesser but still serious sin in the west. The woman is to be in control, she can be relied upon by the state that taught her in their schools/temples 5 days a week, the man has been found to be too disloyal.
Anarchism - can't have free men/males, must be controlled.

I'd rather be in this hole than on your city on a hill.

Just think, the scumbag rapist of an old way got a sweet pretty little girl to keep forever, exactly the girl he had chosen and wanted: something the BEST man of your civilization is denied.

Look at how your civilization treats it's veteran soldiers even. Look at how, somehow, in your mind, you are lead to believe the lies you are told (say, that that intel engineer is telling you, nice conditioned good boy you are, you believe his nice soothing words... yes the "advantages" of a spy chip are "clear", yes accept those words.

Throw the young girls you don't have a use for into this hole, please. All you do is make them attend your temples every day except 2. If the parents disobey you steal their children.

I hope anarchy somehow comes to you and destroys your "house"/government/religion(law). I do hope that.

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