Well, as much as I hate the way DRM are used nowadays, I still say what I have said before in this forum: users brought DRM on themselves, when they started pirating stuff. The suggestion on defectivebydesign is the correct way to do things. You don't like a policy, you don't support the owner and don't keep on using the service. Or at least, you fight to change the policy of that service. You don't go around "manipulating" things to get your way without them knowing. That is not the correct answer.

If people who "like to share" really cared about "share" they would have done two things:

1. Share free content. Creative commons, public domain, content that was not proprietary. 2. Refuse to get paid thousands for advertising. The problem is also that people who run pirate websites don't care much about sharing, they care about the money they make from the ads they sell!

The end result? The bad guys (I count pirates as bad guys)made things that now affect the good guys (people who just want to use open standards on the web for example, people who like to have security and not run flash for watching a video...).

In my opinion, a group of people who are "free only" minded, people who refuse to even use flash to watch youtube, shouldn't EVER think about pirating movies musics and books. It's contradictory and actually hurts the cause.

(and don't even try saying "we don't attack ships we are not pirates". yada yada yada.... "piracy" is a word that has been used for many years now to refer to "illegal distribution of copyrighted content". Learn it and use it (or rather NOT use it lol.))

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