Also the baloons and bumpers and spikes and spikechains are inspired from sonic games, so if you want to have a platforming feel to a map, all you must do is enable that mutator :) and set how many you want. If you wish you can set it to have spikes on every single surface, up down right left forward back.

You can also spawn tanktraps and abandoned buildings to go with your vehicle match (mil and/or civ vehicles can be enabled)

There are LOD models for all the tanks and spikes and bumpers and mounted guns, and the planes, and the combat cars. There are mechs too (2 of them, to enable you press the M button on the side of the vehicle mutator spot). The rest of the civillian cars don't have LOD yet

The LOD models I found helped with performance a good deal. Note the movement docs (posted in the first post here and in the blog on SF) to know how to reload (r) bullet and rocket based weapons and also tanks and helicopters.

Also you can start forest fires with the torch if it's lit (r) or the fireball weapon or the fire spells. You can put them out with the sparrow helicopter if it has a nozzel, or you can use a delugegun (one of the mounted guns).

It is very hard though as burning trees and bushes ignite others around them every 2 seconds. My firefighter friend said it was very hard to put out such fires in real life, so you get the challenge too. Also buring trees destroy pickups around them, untill the fire is gone, so it is a way to deny an area of any real use (and the trees burn you too).

Foliage can either be suggested in the maps .mapinfo file or enabled in the mutator section (or both, inwhichcase the mutator setting override if they are enabled) You can set the overgrowth (0 = on grass only, 1...7 = more types of terrain grown on (note: if you're in an all concrete map, don't set it to 0 as the game will pause for a long while searching for a spot to spawn foliage before giving up not finding one (if it fails more than 500 times and the fail ratio is 1.5 to 1 (I think that's what I made it, can't remember), it quits trying)

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