I played around with the updated version a bit and like several of the maps. The music so far sounded nice and well matching.

Things I would consider:
- Crossbow with no shooting sound (may be experiment with the soundfile I provided you). Crossbows are neither inaudible, nor is a silent crossbow realistic. For the crossbow part there is also a nice model for assault cube:

May be as alternative for the "ancient" crossbow ?

- War axe has swinging sound but swords not. I would try to be consistent. A war axe does not make more or less sound than a sword. Would be cool if you added swinging sound to the swords as well.

- Complexity of models and / or physical model puts huge stress to the Xonotic engine. Even with 4x3 GHz and a GeForce 650 I experienced slowdowns to something like 20 FPS without having graphics maxed out *OUCH*

- Font issue: As pointed out before the diablo-like font makes it hard to read a lot of menu entries which is really bad since there are tons of parameters (e.g. for the foliant mutator). How can one modificate something he can't read ?

With some more polish work I think that this mod has potential. The swords and crossbow remind me of Chaos Quake which I loved to play back in the Q2 day.

Also there aren't that many mods out there for Xonotic or other free FPS.

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