On 18/12/13 19:20, aaz893 wrote:
> Why non-FLOSS is unethical?

Because proprietary software stops a user from having control over their

Many forms of proprietary software save file/s on the computer, which
can only be used by proprietary software. If a user sends a file created
by a proprietary program to another user, that other user then has the
choice of getting a copy of the proprietary software and accepting the
EULA, or not using the file.

In a lot of cases, proprietary software has a cascading effect and most
people end up signing the EULA. All of those users rely on the software
developer, who can change the EULA whenever he/she wants to. I highly
recommend watching the film "Terms And Conditions May Apply" for reasons
as to why this is dangerous for society: http://tacma.net/.

As RMS says, proprietary software is anti-social. All of the users
become helpless, and their acceptance of proprietary software cascades
and makes more users helpless.

So to answer your question, I think proprietary software is unethical
because it is anti-social.


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