>Every movement has ethics and principles, and it promotes them.

Of course. But nobody can promote illogical principles by means of logics. You must appeal to emotions. Maybe I missing something, but I can't see this approach in FSF advocacy. It's like to use a spoon instead of a hammer. It's ineffective.

>Every animal strives for freedom

REALLY?? O_O How about the whole story of domestication of dogs? If every animal strives for freedom, then domestication is impossible.
And by the way, how about ants?

>If you believe otherwise ..

I believe otherwise and I don't want to do it. Why? Because I can't see any benefits in these specific situations. Your argument looks like "If you don't belive "computers are the higest value in my life" then throw away your computer right now!".

> free software movement is illogical just like a religion

You got it wrong. Every movement have motivation. But every motivation needs under-logical basis. For example, there isn't any way to prove need to stay alive by means of pure logic. But, if you want to change mind of a person, you must use the same basic illogical beliefs.


Person A: "You should care about ecology, otherwise your children would live in terrible world of devastation" Person B: "Hurhurhur! I'm a childfree (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childfree), go away!"

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