Well, it's true that wpa/wpa2 is better than wep. But as far as the password goes, you should take some things into account. First, you should have a password with:
regular letters
numbers (12345...)
Symbols .,-?ยบ+*

Second, make it at least 12 characters long.
Why all of this? Because if the router is susceptible of an attack using "rainbow tables", it will make it almost impossible. Third, you should NOT change it very often. When we try to think of a password that is strong, we usually can come up with one that is both strong and easy to remember. However, the more we change it, the more "simplified" our passwords will become. Because we tend to do so, in order to remember it. So we make it weaker by changing it. In the end, you must check if your router has a "pin" activated. Read here http://lifehacker.com/5873407/how-to-crack-a-wi+fi-networks-wpa-password-with-reaver Basically what it says (and it works!) is that now matter how strong you password is, if someone can get the "pin" mentioned in the article, they will get in. So, yeah... keep an eye out for this too.

Also, you should change the name of the wireless network. Some routers have names that somehow "reveal" information about the router itself making it EASY for a total NEWBIE to crack your password (thomson routers for example).

That's all the advice I can give you =) hope it helps.

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