În 2014-01-03 18:26, aaz...@mail.ru a scris:
their campaigning seems effective to me.

I don't want shatter your sweet dreams, but can you tell me percentage
of  computer users who use Trisquel?

I haven't made any statement regarding the users of GNU GPL-licensed software, GNU software or Trisquel distribution. The fact that there are so many developers who do one of the three things I mentioned: license their software under GPL, donate software to GNU and develop free distributions like Trisquel seems to me FSF's campaigning work is effective.

Put one in a leash and then unleash him.
You will see the difference in his attitude.

You dodged the answer. Maybe I need to repeat my question. If every
animal  want to be free, then how is it possible to domesticate them?

By tricking them, giving them immediate benefits and then enslaving them. That's the way of proprietary software developers too. They trick the users to give their freedom for convenience.

Don't confuse these with slavery.

Slavery is a subset of hierarchy. I can prove it.

So what. Proprietary software is a subset of software. It would be wrong to reject software because most of software is proprietary. There is free software as well. So if slavery is a subset of hierarchy, that doesn't make hierarchy a bad thing. There are democracies (which are hierarchies) and those forbid slavery.

Anyway, "confusion" means you say hierarchy = slavery, not hierarchy > slavery.

Let's pretend that
slavery  isn't a subset of hierarchy. Anarchistic society haven't got
any hierarchy.  Thus, citizens of anarchistic country can have slaves.
But, it's absurd.  Thus, because we have only two mutually exclusive
options "Slavery is a  subset of hierarchy" and "Slavery isn't a
subset of hierarchy", then the  option "Slavery is a subset of
hierarchy" is true.

Your logic is faulty because you fail to see that anarchy is the system in which there is no single big hierarchical tree with a central root (leadership), but that doesn't mean there are not a lot of smaller hierarchical trees instead. So instead of having a hierarchical community or society, you have an anarchical community or society of smaller independent subgroups, of which some, if not all, are hierarchical. In some of those subgroups you will find slaves. Actually, anarchy drives disorder, violation of individual freedoms and slavery. Thus slavery can happen in hierarchy but in anarchy it will certainly happen.

However, this forum of a free system is not the place for a hierarchy/anarchy debate.

You can find benefits in each of the three described situations

Maybe I wasn't clear. Surely, it's possible to find out positive sides
in  every situation. But every situation is sum of minuses and pluses.
Thus, if I  said "I can't see benefits", then you must translate it as
"the sum is a  negative number or zero".

At some point you can think some rather trivial benefits can weight a lot, more than your freedom. That doesn't mean your are rationale and you're make a good long-term decision when you value benefits over freedom. Sometimes you don't even think of the minuses. You are reckless and just go with it without giving it a time to think and analyse.

It's because they are reckless and act before they think

Then why Bill Gates don't use Trisquel? I don't think he is a reckless idiot.

He is a perverse person who wants freedom just for himself and not for all users. I am pretty sure that if he uses Windows, it's not the version a regular user can get. And I am sure he can modify the system he uses, because Microsoft grants him with the source code. And I am sure he doesn't have any Microsoft backdoor in his

But this is not the only person who strives for the power to control others and have freedom just for himself.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
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