În 2014-01-03 18:54, onp...@riseup.net a scris:
Freedom isn't natural at all. Most sentient life (putting aside
non-sentient  organisms that can't make decisions at all) is too busy
surviving to think  about freedom; freedom is a luxury to life in
general, a result of having  much more than you need to survive.

You can argue that culture is not naturally above all, above survival. And I am not saying it's true or false.

But freedom is naturally above all. Afro-american slaves were used as animals to do hard works, were not given enough food, were beaten, were sexually abused and were killed. This doesn't mean they didn't strive for freedom. Some rebelled, and few become free and gave speeches for freedom and slavery abolition. Most of them talked with fellow slaves about these issues and sang beautiful songs about freedom. A slave is always thinking about his freedom.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
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