> I think we need to move away from x86 to get a totally free laptop and even then certain parts would probably be non-free.

I forgot to comment on this one.

Fist I was hooked up. Quick reading is a bitch. You are right. Only that crap free devices usually don't have enough power to generate well random numbers. Which brings us into the ideal and romantic world of the Flitstones, with no relation with the historic age. Back when the Internet was young and everything was plain text. Meaning no GnuPG, no SSL/TLS, OTR and so on. I use Tor for almost anything. Tor does not work on ARM. Tough luck, but people say there are devices that can read my screen through the wall, so bring yourself to the conclusion.

Than I have realised: the above line is crap.

You say

1. we have to move from x86.

Than you say even with that we might not... why in the world ever bother to move if the whole effort is for nothing? Just to cater to some whim? Just to say "damn it! We've tried!"

Sorry Chris. I have nothing against you. And if it wasn't for the customs tax I might already have had one of your devices. But the whole free software crowd is becoming just another new age group. The dream was nice back in the 80s when Stallman dreamt it. It was getting stronger with the Linux kernel. Today it is blown in a million pieces. A million sects caring to integrate fuzzy dreams.

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